Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Rant about Twilight.....

I found a new aspect of Twilight to....dislike.

For years and years, we geeks have always had mixed feelings about books being made into movies. We're picky about how something is adapted, and often have rants about how such-and-such aspect was not true to the book, and how they really didn't need to cut whatever scene, or how they ruined some sort of character.

Now, the people that told us to shut up about things that could have been better about Lord of the Rings (movies) because they were so busy with Orlando Bloom's dreamy eyes are the same people who get annoyed with the Twilight movies because they omitted certain scenes or didn't portray a character "properly."

Good. Grief.

10 musings:

Madeline said...

I'm sorry about those people who told you to stuff your feelings because of Orlando Bloom. I am one of those people who does not like the Twilight movies because they aren't being adapted properly. But at least The Lord of The Rings is somewhat decent, right? I actually haven't seen them yet... Please don't throw something at me...

Q said...

You may have already heard this, but:

Twilight's like soccer. They run around for two hours, no one scores, and its billion fans insist that you just don't understand.

Lady Brainsample said...

Pixilated: Ha ha, that's ok. I won't throw anything. Lord of the Rings is defintely an awesome set of films, but I have to treat them as a separate entity from the books in certain scenes. :)

Q: HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! Love it!!!

Corbyjane said...

I have an upcoming Twilight rant (I see it a second time, notebook in hand, on Monday) but mine tend to be more towards, people--especially impressionable teenage girls--are taking the relationships as an ideal to be reenacted in their own lives, but these are incredibly unhealthy relationships! I personally don't like the books (which I have read twice) because sparking vampires aren't really my cup of tea, but like many things I'm not a huge fan of, I don't mind if others enjoy them as long as they aren't doing themselves--or those around them--harm by it. That's MY concern. ;)

I loved the LOTR films, but they were definitely a different animal than the books. I felt like Faramir's character especially was done a disservice, with him NOT being shown as "the only guy not tempted by the ring", and losing the dynamic with Eowyn (in the theatrical release) made their relationship seem forced. I also didn't like Sam turning on Frodo, & the whole Arwen almost ditching Aragorn subplot. =/

So is what you're saying that you protested a change from the books to the movie in Eclipse, & someone told you to stuff it because Rob's hot? I especially have encountered the argument: "yes, Edward is domineering and emotionally abusive--but he's just so dreamy!" or "Yes, Jacob mistreats Bella--but he's hot!" That's just the actor... not the character. The character's actions are not justified by the actor's physical attributes. ;)

Corbyjane said...

ZOMG I commented a novel. Anyways, my previous rants are here:

Tricia Keierleber said...

not a fan of Twilight, but you know I love HP, (though I know you feelings there as well). :) I TOTALLY know how you feel when movies leave the book. HP hasn't been TOO bad, but some aspects of it got to me for sure! :)

Edge said...

'eyyyy, soccer is awesome. Don't bash it :P Of course, my fandom (fan-ness?) of soccer is nothing like the typical Twilight crazy fan.... :P

Lady Brainsample said...

Corbyjane: I have not seen the movies New Moon or Eclipse because I dislike the whole "saga". (there's another annoying thing: Star Wars is a saga...Twilight....not exciting enough, ha ha...)
I just find it incredibly ironic and annoying that people who formerly don't give a rip as to adaptations are now all offended when movies don't do justice to books.
On Faramir: I totally agree!!! I did a long ranty post with that tossed in before here:

Tricia: Ha ha, yep.

Edge: Twilight seems to have no neutral either love it or loathe it from what I've seen...interesting...

PiningForTheFjords said...

Hmmm. Twilight is to soccer as Lord of the Rings is to rugby.

Lady Brainsample said...

PftF: Wait...don't you mean Twilight is to Lord of the Rings as soccer is to rugby???