Friday, April 18, 2008

Finally here!

After months of waiting, Andy Hunter's new cd Colour is out, and arrived yesterday! We would have gotten it on the day it came out, except that Best Buy, Borders, and Family Christian Life all didn't have it. We ended up ordering it from ChristianBook. The cd itself is incredible. Andy Hunter's style is a little different from his other two cd's, and as he said on his website, "I think Colour is a lot more developed compared to the previous records. I wrote the record as an artist and not just as a DJ, which I really liked. I feel like I've accomplished a bit more diversity that's not stuck in just one genre or a repetitive cycle."

The album can be found here:

1 musings:

PiningForTheFjords said...

I guess there's not a huge market out there for Christian techo music, but to the few of us there are: This album is awesome! It is so complex yet clear in it's sound. If you like this album or his others (Exodus and Life), you should also check out Avalon Remixed on which Andy laid down a seriously cool remix of Testify to Love - best version of the song out there.