Monday, November 23, 2009

Another Award? Really?!

I was awarded another award!! I was given this award, apparently, for having an awesome blog. Many thanks to Costume Queen over at Aria of an Amateur!
1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Copy the Award.
3. Post it in your blog.
4. Tell Us 7 things that your readers don't know.
5. Link 7 new blogger as recipients.
6. Notify winners of award with comment on their blog.
7. Keep being Awesome.

So seven things my readers may or may not know about me.....hmmm....
1. I have never been able to come up with a better alias than Lady Natasha Brainsample, even though I have tried. Why Natasha Brainsample? I've always loved the name Natasha and I got Brainsample from a Monty Python's Flying Circus sketch and thought it fit.
2. I can't wait for LOST season 6!!!!! Or Voyage of the Dawn Treader!!!
3. I love the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe, mostly the Raven and Dream Within a Dream.
4. I have over forty showtunes albums on my iTunes.
5. I love cats.
6. I write scripts for short films, but only in order to act in them.
7. I think I have a pretty good singing range, but it's always annoyed me that I can't sing the final note of "Phantom of the Opera." Yeah...THAT note.

As for the re-awarding of seven other bloggers, I'm afraid I shall have to decline...for if I were to, I would probably just re-award the seven bloggers I awarded last time. I know, how un-creative of me.

Once again, apologies for not having posted in ages, but I have good excuses! Really! I was gone for ten days, then right after that, all four of my wisdom teeth got yanked, so I'm STILL recovering from that. Ah, least there's a filming day coming up.

7 musings:

JTN said...

I can't wait for the new Voyage of the Dawn Treader either..... :)


Q said...

Oh! I can sing THAT note! :P

If you're ever Christine, I could pull a Singing in the Rain stunt for you... :)

Princess Jasmine Geo said...

but i can sing that note. Which is why i'm the leading soprano!!!!!!! lol

Countess Madeline said...

Wow, lots of people are reading your blog!!

Jasmine sounds a little cocky about hitting THAT note ;) I still have to hear her sing it for real.

By the way, I had this really wierd/cool dream a few nights ago that you, Jasmine, and I formed a singing group called EJC Songbirds. We sang and Sam played the bass cello. We went on tour with Elton John and had this enormous tour bus with revolving rooms.

Kendra Logan said...

Don't mean to bombard you with tags/awards, but...

You've been tagged on Carpe Diem!

:D I'll understand if you're tired of these, though, lol!


Lady Brainsample said...

JT Norlander: Yesss, totally. Especially with the PURPLE SAIL.

Q: LOVE Singin in the Rain! Thanks for the awesome reference, and that would be fun!

Jas: *sings* Prima Donna, first lady of the stage, your devotees are on their knees to adore you.

Countess: AHHHH!!! That's an awesome dream!! Love it!
By the way, we need to start looking at this month for when you can come down here. I'm already trying to organize the next filming day for some time around the 22nd or 23rd or the 26th-2nd. Start looking at your calendar and expect a call from me soon. :)

Kendra: Ahhh!!!! Another tag!!! RUN AWAY!!!!!!
But no. I'll get around to this eventually; thanks for tagging me!

PiningForTheFjords said...

Congratulations, again!
JG certainly does not have any self-esteem issues!
Can hardly wait to see you, Countess!

Word Verification: poodula
Ha Ha