The further I delve into J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, the more I fall in love with it. The books are central to the obsession, of course, but around the books is also the extended universe of the movies, the musical, and things like that. And it's always so heartening and encouraging when they do the adaptions well.
Take the song Now and For Always from the musical based on the book:
Great song right? Well, it's even greater to a hard-core fan when he examines the correlation between the lyrics and the original book.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Assorted Thoughts about LotR
Contributed by Lady Brainsample when the bell tolls at... 7:19 PM 18 musings
Subset: books, geekdom, LotR, movies, musical theater, rantyish posts, stuff Lady Brainsample obsesses over, theater
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
LOST: This Place is Death
Just for fun, my initial thoughts are in random bits. As always, spoilers appear from the get-go, so be forewarned. After this picture, you have no excuse to read unless you have seen the episode. Unless you just want to see spoilers...but I can't understand why you would.
-NO NO NO!!!!!! Why did they kill Charlotte???? Now Daniel is sad! But....he traveled in time to tell her not to go to the Island again? I thought he knew that he couldn't change anything...Hmm....maybe he's going to experience a crisis of some kind and become irrational. They did confirm that her parents were part of Dharma. So...why did her mom leave. That is the question. Also, who is her father? That's another question. Maybe her mom caught wind of the Purge...that would be a good reason for leaving.
-MWAH HA HA!!!!! Mrs. Hawking IS Dan's mum. And she is deeply enscanced in the mythology of the Island.
-So THAT'S how Montand lost his arm...Oy vey.
-Yikes! Smokey is guarding the Temple...which is apparently some sort of Sanctuary for the Others. So except in the case of Ben summoning Ol' Smokey, maybe most of those encounters with him have been in the vicinity of the Temple.
-Christian(speaking for Jacob) tells Locke that LOCKE has to move the Island?? Again?!?! Good grief, I did not see that coming. So we know the Island (or at least the people on the Island. But only certain people) has been moving in time....does that mean it's been moving in space each time as well? Or only certain times?
-And thank goodness we learned about Danielle in some way! They kept their promise. So there was a disease... It seems to me that she was the only one not affected because she was the only one who didn't descend into Smokey's summer home.
-Good for Ben with his rant! They need to quit ragging on him all the time.
Now for a serious paragraph...
Charlotte said that once she left the Island, she asked her mom about it, but her mom denied its existence. She even went so far as to say that Charlotte had made it up. It occurred to me watching the episode the second time that this parallels Lucy and Edmund in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Charlotte Staples Lewis is also named after its author, Clive Staples Lewis. Both Charlotte and her mom had been to the Island, but left. Likewise, both Lucy and Edmund had been to Narnia. But, once they were back in the "real world" Edmund denied the existence of Narnia just as Charlotte's mom denied the existence of the Island.
As always, it's been fun. I shall return later to discuss my adventures in the land of Hill Country.
Adventures Somewhere in Centralish Texas
Over the course of the weekend I have:
Contributed by Lady Brainsample when the bell tolls at... 9:15 AM 6 musings
Subset: 101 in 1001, completed goals, family, pics, Texas
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A Tag...
One of those tags (abridged), because I can't think of anything else to post.
Age: old enough for a driver's license
Animals: cats, racoons, horses
Birthday: Pearl Harbor Day
Best feeling in the world: feeling God's presence
Been on stage? many many times
Books: I'm currently reading 1984, Myst, Thief of Time, and currently re-reading the Book Thief and the Two Towers.
Candy: Symphony milk chocolate
Color: purple, black, and silver
Chocolate/Vanilla: it depends....
Chinese/Mexican: Mexican.
Continent/Country to visit: Europe and New Zealand
Day or Night? night-
Dance in the rain? I'm singin', and dancin' in the rain!
Eyes: steel blue
Ever failed a class? nope
Full name: Lady Natasha E. Brainsample of the Planet Skyron
Food: steak and potato soup
Goal: finish all the books on my unread shelf
Get along with your parents? yes.
Hair Color: dyed black, light brown/blondish roots coming out
Height: 5' 8" ish
How do you want to die: with my boots on
Ice Cream: plain vanilla
Instrument: I don't play anything, but I love listening to the piano.
Job: I want to get one once I get my driver's license
Keep a journal? Yes and no....I can't ever keep up with it.
Longest Car Ride: either to Salt Lake City, or from New York
Letter: X. I agree with Miss Dawn, X is a great letter, but I also love the letter E.
Laughed so hard you cried: Well, these days our whole family is laughing until we cough.
Movie: Too many to list on a tag.
McDonalds or Burger King: Neither. Chik-fil-a.
Number of Siblings: 3
Number of Piercing: two in each ear.
Numbers: 5, 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42
One wish: hmm......
Pepsi/Coke: I drink hot tea....
Quail: I've seen quail around here.
Roll your tongue in a circle? Yes, precious.
Song: currently....Eilleen's Song, East to West, Twentieth Century, stuff from Les Mis, Lion King, LotR, Englishman in New York, Wonderwall, lots of swill like that....
Sing well? sing often? well enough. I'd like to be better, hence using voice lessons as an instigation to get driver's ed done. And yes, when I'm not sick...
In the shower? yes...
Time for bed: whenever I can't keep my eyes open enough to read anymore.
Unpredictable: I....don't really know. That probably means I'm pretty predictable.
Vacation spot: someday: New Zealand, Germany again, British Isles.
Who makes you laugh the most: my family.
X-rays: not since I was being fitted for a retainer.
Ex's: *hums, All my ex's live in Texas....* But seriously, I have none.
Year it is now: 2009
Zoo animal: seals
You went to the mall with? Mommy
You talked to on the phone? Sam
Made you laugh? Mom
Hugged you? Mimi
Said they loved you?: my grandparents
Spoke with? Dad
Last person you texted? James
I tag: any volunteers.
Contributed by Lady Brainsample when the bell tolls at... 7:36 PM 4 musings
Subset: questionaire type swill
Friday, February 6, 2009
LOST: Jughead, and The Little Prince
So THAT'S why the episode was called Jughead...the army people had enough of a sense of humor to name their hydrogen bomb. Apparently it's still buried somewhere on the island. I wonder if it has to do with the thick concrete under the Swan Station because Sayid mentioned he hadn't seen concrete anywhere that thick since Chernobyl.
Speaking of Widmore...He was an Other??? Er, Hostile. I did not see that coming at all. And he's also alot older than I would have thought. So somehow he's going to get off the Island and become a multi-billionaire. Perhaps he exploited the Island in some way to get all that money??
Desmond and Penny are happily married now...with a son called Charlie! Damon and Carlton confirmed on the Lost Official Podcast that he was, in fact, named after Charlie Pace, and not Charles Widmore.
Time travel...I guess it's possible to run into yourself on the Island if you travel to the right time. Locke certainly wanted to avoid it though. Sawyer saw Kate helping Claire give birth to Aaron in months past, which, as Dad noted is a pretty far foreshadow: Claire is now gone, and Kate has Aaron off-Island.
Another season shocker: Jin is alive!!!! Yay!!!!! Maybe he'll be an instigation for Sun to quit being so weird and to get off the side of Charles Widmore.
And.....this has been a pretty rambly post, so I'll leave y'all for now. All I can say to close is that things are probably going to get even more dire, because next week's episode is entitled This Place is Death. I guess the zombie season is coming earlier than Damon and Carlton claimed.