Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bangs and Cats

We have COLD WEATHER!!!!!! I'm actually sitting here in pants and a sweatshirt!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!

So yesterday the boys decided we were going to put Charlie in a build-a-bear shirt. And they succeeded. She didn't want to tolerate it, but once it was there, she pretty much had no choice.

Also yesterday, Mom trimmed my hair and I asked her to give me bangs, yay. And yes, they were inspired by Abby from NCIS. Only difference is that my blonde roots are coming out.

PS The Charlie video will be up any day now......

5 musings:

Princess Jasmine Geo said...

Your hair looks wet... there aren't enough bangs.... no offense

Lady Brainsample said...

My hair is thin in the front like that. Believe me, there's nothing I can do about it.

PiningForTheFjords said...

You know what they say: with friends like jas-geo, who needs....blah blah blah blah blah. I think you look beautiful and the bangs suit you.

Erin said...

Cuuute bangs!

Lady Brainsample said...

piningforthefjords: GET....the comfy chair!!!

Erin: Thanks!