Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Poll and DOOM!

I'd like to put forth a question. Is our country doomed? With election day drawing closer and closer, a feeling of doom seems to have fallen on the GOP. Are we ready for four to eight years of Obama? I'm certainly not.
But in the midst of doom and gloom, light does shine.

Daniel 2:21: "It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding."

8 musings:

PiningForTheFjords said...

Also, listen to the song you have on your iPod, "Praise You in this Storm." Seems applicable.

Tricia Keierleber said...

America headed for doom: absolutely!

Christians: No! Because before Jesus returns it has to get bad, and America is not mentioned in the end times. So we should be encouraged that Jesus will come back soon... but we will defininetly cling to Him cause it is gonna get scary!!!!!!

Princess Jasmine Geo said...

I would normally say I don't really care, but just to let you know, only 1 school voted for mccain in the mach election. In fort bend. The rest voted for Obama.

Countess Madeline said...

I do think that ultimately the U.S. is doomed. I don't think God will let our national sins (like abortion) go unpunished. However, we have no need to fear. Jesus has promised to preserve His Church and He always keeps His promises. It will prevail and will triumph in the end.
By the way, my parents can't vote in this election since we aren't American citizens.

Lady Brainsample said...

piningforthefjords: LOVE that song.

Tricia: Why would America be mentioned in the End Times anyway? Doesn't most of the action take place in the Middle East?

Princess: *sigh* That's not a good sign.

Countess: Yes, we have those national sins, but there are still people like us that are fighting against them.

Thank you all for your thought provoking comments!

Tricia Keierleber said...

yes it is in the middle east, but it mentions some Europe and china, but not USA, (PK knows more so if I misspoke then sorry, but I am pretty sure the above mentioned are the players). I was talking about this to some ladies at Bible study and they agreed.

I am so glad all your commenters were nice... this could get messy.

All I can say is buckle up with Jesus, cause its gonna get bumpy!

Annie said...

I Am not an obama fan And I hope he loses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edge said...

Yes, this is going to be one interesting election...