Friday, August 22, 2008

THE Procedure.../Completed Goals

Wellll, yesterday Mom finally had her procedure. After 20+ years of having that bump on her arm, she had it removed. It was quite a day. This is the bump, its mere hours being numbered.

We rode into town with Mimi, and as soon as we got there, Mom went charging over to the door, and she broke the door handle!! We couldn't stop laughing for a long time, especially when Mimi said, "I've never seen her so excited to get into a doctor's office!" because as most people know, my mother hates about 98% of doctors. ("to be fair" she says)

So we finally got someone to let us in, and Mom is still super excited. After years of people saying, "Ewwww, what happened?" or "What is THAT on your arm?" she was finally getting that thing out.

This dermatologist was really cool. He had a Scottish name, so I envisioned him as a Scottish warrior in a kilt on the Scottish highlands, hee hee.

Then Mom got called in, and we all went trooping back there: Mom, me, Mimi, and Princess Geo.

Then she got the procedure done...I got it on video, and might post it on youtube but I haven't researched that yet. Let me tell you, it was disgusting. It was bigger than we thought it would be....oy........

So she finally got it out and there was much rejoicing. (yaaaaay............) To celebrate (and calm our stomachs...) Mimi treated us to Baskin Robins right across the road. It was delicious...

And as one final bonus, I've completed goal #32. I've worn alot of funky socks recently, including these:

(who says you can't wear knee socks with shorts? ha ha)

In other news, I went to the Geopalooza exhibit (80, I believe) which was AMAZING. There were tons of incredible geodes, most of them amethyst. There were rocks that looked like they were painted because of their color. There were rocks that glowed in florescent light. And finally lots of fossils. Definitely worth seeing.

Then, we hung around in the energy hall and we saw one of the pins being knocked down by the pendulum. Isn't it fascinating how that thing works? They get it started, then it keeps swinging because of the weight, and it swings (albeit slowly) in a revolving circle because of the Coreolis affect. For those who don't know what that lovely effect is, is is also the effect that makes water swirl around and makes people walking around in circles inadvertantly make the circles smaller. Basically, it swirls because of the speed of the earth's rotation. And I feel like a total nerd being so excited about the Coreolis affect....

2 musings:

Tricia Keierleber said...

your mama looks so adorable in her pic... really she does! and yeah for you... 2 more goals completed! :)

PiningForTheFjords said...

Now my arm hurts, and at this point, it's still as ugly as ever.